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Learn All About Psoriasis From Dr. Greenberg
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Psoriasis is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects more than 8 million people in the U.S. and 120 million people worldwide. Let’s talk about what causes psoriasis and what we can do to get rid of it!
- Increased Inflammation: People with psoriasis have high levels of systemic inflammation and are at an elevated risk for developing other conditions such as cardiovascular disease, depression, and diabetes (to name a few).
- Strep throat: Strep throat infections have been related to exacerbations of psoriasis flares.
- Gluten sensitivity: As many as 25% of people with psoriasis also have a gluten sensitivity.
- Psoriatic Arthritis: Approximately 25-30% of people with psoriasis also experience psoriatic arthritis.
- Different Types of Psoriasis: The most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis but there are other types of psoriasis including: guttate, inverse, pustular, erythrodermic, and nail psoriasis.
What Causes Psoriasis?
While we still have a lot learn about what causes psoriasis, we understand that there is a malfunction with the immune system and specifically T cells. These overactive T cells mistakenly attack the skin and other parts of the body which cause the skin and nail lesions as well as other symptoms like joint pain.
01. Genetics
Certain genes predispose people to developing psoriasis and most people who have at least one family member with it.
02. Infections
Infections can send the immune system into overdrive, such as:
o Strep throato Bacterial overgrowth in the gut
o Viral infections
03. Leaky gut
A permeable intestine, or “leaky gut”, allows foreign material (like bacteria, viruses, or food proteins) to pass through your gut and enter your blood stream instead of passing unnoticed through your GI tract and excreted via urine or feces.
The body’s immune system can go into hyperdrive and confuse these foreign materials with similar looking parts of your body (molecular mimicry) resulting in autoimmune disease.
What Aggravates Psoriasis?
Celiac disease & gluten sensitivity
Strep throat & other infections
Skin trauma
Cold & dry weather
How Can We Get Rid of Psoriasis?
We target psoriasis from the inside out and outside in by using both topicals and internal treatments.
We work with you, the patient, to determine which treatment options fit best with your life and your values. There is no "one-size-fits-all" treatment plan: it will be tailored to your specific needs.
Examples include:

We educate you on how your specific diet may be driving your psoriasis (like alcohol or gluten), and work on healthy eating and making smart choices where possible.

We use natural botanical products to address the inflammation and plaques on the skin.

There are many supplements which can help address the underlying causes of psoriasis such as endotoxins, leaky gut, and inflammation.
Supplement treatment plans are customized to the individual.

We will look at lifestyle factors like topical personal care products and lack of sun exposure to determine which factors could be contributing to your psoriasis.
We will look at your stress levels, sleep, and exercise to determine what changes could you help calm your psoriasis.
Interested in learning more about how we treat psoriasis?
Contact us or set up a free 15 minute consultation with Dr. Greenberg to talk about your specific needs.
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Los Angeles, CA 90024