Holistic Natural Medicine for Your Dermatological Problems
While Western medicine can be great for treating certain dermatological conditions,
some patients feel that conventional medicine hasn't met their needs.
Whether you want treatment options other than
steroids, antibiotics, or biologics, or if you just
want a more holistic & natural approach to
skin care, the Center for Integrative
Dermatology can help!

What people are saying:
Research-based natural medicine that really works!
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What is Integrative Medicine and Holistic Dermatology?
Natural Evidence-Based Medicine
Whenever possible, we try to use natural products that support the body’s ability to heal itself. As holistic dermatology doctors, we achieve this by trying to identify the root cause of your problem so that we aren’t just treating your symptoms. Our medicine is natural but also evidence-based and powerful. We use both the wisdom of hundreds of years of use of botanical medicine, but also the latest cutting-edge research to determine which herbs and supplements will be safe and effective for you. And yes, it really works!
Whole Person Holistic Approach
Medicine today tends to treat different parts of a person’s body as if they are separate units. But we are not made up of separate parts- we are one body with many interconnected systems, including a strong mind-body connection. In order to treat your skin problem, we may have to address your gut or immune dysfunction. Your skin, hair and nail problems are connected with all of the other systems in your body.
Partners in Your Health Care
As naturopathic doctors we work together with you on your health care plan as your partner. Every person is different and every treatment plan is different and tailored to the individual. We practice docere or “doctor as teacher”. We are here to listen to you and hear your concerns, as well as to teach you how to manage your current problems and prevent new ones.

Basic Tenets of Integrative & Naturopathic Medicine
Examples of Treatment Modalities

Contact Us

Los Angeles, CA 90024